Tag Archives: Technology

Searching for Simplicity

Sometimes I just want to escape. From the flurry of red signs, 140-character limits, and the general environment of high school.

Once in a while, the online world that is mainly comprised of social media makes for decent social interaction, and occasionally the adrenaline-pumping moments of pure teenage giddiness. But it’s all transient.

I wish that I could rewind time and go back to an era that I think I understand, but probably don’t. A time when things were simple, and human interaction involved talking.

Evidently, I feel a bit overwhelmed by technology. (Ironically, I sit here using it almost indifferently.) It’s not that social media and technological communication is particularly bad. It’s that it is failing to do to anything of value for me.

Perhaps the feelings are mutual (and not just regarding technology). Do all teenagers feel a peculiar void, an emptiness that is simply begging to be filled with a richness of life and adventure?

At this point, I have the same feeling as I did a few months ago: go on a long hike in Peru on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. In solitude, of course.

Nature, somehow, makes everything much simpler. Life probably isn’t as complex as I, the alleged hormonal teenager, is making it out to be.

But let’s just take in the beauty of simplicity, and forget all the emoticons and YOLOs inundating teenage social lives:

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