

You may be quietly asking yourself, ‘what in the world is this blog about?’. Here’s a clue from our very own ‘dictionary.com’:

Peregrination [per-i-gruh-ney-shuhn]

(Noun) 1. travel from one place to another, especially on foot.

2. a course of travel; journey

Synonyms: trip, excursion, expedition, travels

“Artistic Peregrination” follows my thoughts and opinions on everything ranging from music to film. It’s essentially about a voyage where I’m going to try to appreciate the artistic value of things like cinema, visual arts, etc., and even bring out some creativity in myself in the midst of weekly chaos. I also hope to merge together many of my artistic interests on this blog as well.

When I’m not occupying myself with school work, I am either watching movies, TV shows, reading books, painting/drawing, writing, or reading Reddit. There may even be some days where I might comment on random things like fashion, celebrities/famous people, or comedy.

Art is also a way to get people talking and thinking. It is supposed to encourage discussion, and often results in differences of opinions. Thus, I’m also always happy to hear other people’s opinions and love to be enlightened by my readers! Join me on my random travels through different mediums of art, and thoughts on everyday entertainment!

[Note: I also have another blog about my life in general, and a variety of other topics. Check it out: http://www.squarelogic.wordpress.com]

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